Seville is the ideal city to spend a lively and fun weekend at the same time cultural and with many activities to do and places to meet, whatever your sexual beliefs, beliefs or tendencies.
Since ancient times Seville has been characterized by multiculturalism, since the period of the Roman Empire Seville had great characters related to homosexuality, for example the emperors Trajano or Adriano, and today it still has references from many fields belonging to the LGTBI group such as Paco León I speak in open terms of his bisexuality in prime time.
The climate, the atmosphere, the hours and hours that the Sevillians spend in the street, help relaxed relationships and create an atmosphere of respect and open-mindedness in a city that also lived very intensely in the Al-Andalus period where Christians, Muslims and Jews shared Seville under the respect and integration of different ideas and beliefs in the same city.
For all this and much more Seville is an ideal city, for its climate, its people and its respect for the LGTBI community supporting gay-friendly tourism.
Here we leave you some gay places in Seville, many of them located in the area of gay movement in Seville, in the area of the Alameda de Hércules, north of the historic center of Seville.
1. El Bosque Encantado
C / Arias Montano, 5
2. Obbio
C / Trastámara, 19
3. Bohemia bar
C / Amor de Dios, 42
4. Men to men
C / Trajano, 38
5. Itaca
C / Amor de Dios, 31
Also if you feel like it for another occasion you can visit Seville during the Guadalkibear, a great international event that brings «bears» from all over the world and where to enjoy the gay atmosphere in Seville and a lot of rhythm and march in gay Andalusia.
We hope this article has convinced you to make you see what visiting Seville can be a good option as your new gay-friendly city, Seville.